Protect yourself against claims from adjoining properties with a detailed and exhaustive commercial dilapidation report. Get the pre-construction report finished correctly with our experienced inspectors and engineers.
Many factors require consideration when preparing a dilapidation report. These projects require substantial financial investment, so make sure your report is carried out by specialised engineers and inspectors who know what to look for.
We’ll document in detail any existing damage or issues to council or neighbour-owned assets, including roadways, driveways, retaining walls, fences, pools, buildings and landscaping.
At Paragon Engineering, We Know What To Look For
Dilapidation reports are a vital part of any construction or demolition process. Given the protection they provide you and your client, you want it conducted in a professional and thorough manner.
At Paragon, we have extensive experience in drawing up dilapidation reports and know precisely what to look for. Our inspectors and engineers make use of cutting-edge technology to document everything relevant in neighbouring structures and assets.
Whether your project is residential, commercial or industrial, we’ll provide you with unparalleled expertise and documentation that provides the right protection to give you peace of mind.
What is a Dilapidation Report
Before construction or demolition begins, and as part of the Council requirement for the DA process is to ensure a record of any existing damage to neighbouring structures is properly documented.
A dilapidation report is exactly that, using photographs and a written report to document the condition of any buildings or assets that could potentially be impacted by the project.
A second report is conducted after the completion of the project. It’s protection for you and your client should a third party try to hold you responsible for damage not of your making.
What Our
Clients Say
At Moits, Paragon Engineering helps us to achieve our project goals by delivering a high quality and thorough service. Paragon Engineering are flexible and accommodating, always make time to be available and visit site and are always happy to help. This is why we utilise Paragon’s services on most of our projects and will continue to do so.